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At sea: Eastern hemishere

November 6th, 2009 · 2 Comments

Another big milestone – now in the eastern hemisphere.  Longitude will reduce now rather than increase!

Great nights sailing wind holding up until dawn and then we put up pinkie – our huge pink masthead spinnaker!  Had it up for about 6 hours until the wind filled in again.  Making very good progress given the large high that dominates the ocean around us.  Barometer is at 1023.

Forecast has less wind tomorrow then sailable winds from SE then S then SW.

Position: 26°14’S 178°26’E [-26.245,178.429]at local 16:00, GMT 03:00 November 6th 2009
24hr run:  148 miles by GPS,  145 miles through water. Expecting adverse current south of 30°South
612 miles to Oapu, NZ. ETA at 5 knots: 18:32 Wed 11th November local time
Wind: SE 12 knots Sea: Long S swell 0.8m
Sky:  15% cloud cover

Tags: At Sea · Pacific Leg

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Michael // Nov 10, 2009 at 8:08 am

    Hmmmm! it seams a long and lonely journey,,, I would keep my eyes on Kirsty and John Lennon… and keep the dingy locked too!

  • 2 Michael // Nov 10, 2009 at 8:09 am

    it seems too… Ha Ha!