Position 14.71,-31.93 at 08:12 GMT
Wind ESE 3. ETA at 5 knots 06:01 17th Dec. 1684 miles to go.
Up till now we have had some cloud cover and some wind. Yesterday there was little of either so it was really hot on the boat. Sea is 27’C so no cooling from there either. Pause for sympathy! I don’t hear any, I will continue. So once we had the pink spinnaker up, it was onto reading books. I’m on Bill Bryson’s, A short history of nearly everything. It has lots of trivia and cameos about the people that made the discoveries. Brings the history alive. Two bits in about an ancestor on my mother’s side – William Herschel. I was aware than he had discovered Uranus but not that he wanted to call it George after the reigning British Monarch in 1781, luckily he was overruled. He also gave asteroids their name having worked out their size.
We had a pair of great shearwaters with us for most of the afternoon yesterday and this morning we have had an all white heron like bird, I think a little egret.
Expecting the lighter winds to persist until Sunday.