Position 22.75, -19.30 at 07:53 GMT
(Reminder this format can be entered straight into Google maps to show where we are.
Stands for Latitude 22.75N and longitude 19.30W)
415 miles to go. ETA Ihla do Sal, Cape Verde still Monday evening.
We officially crossed the Tropic of Cancer yesterday evening. Feels like the tropics too. Sun is very hot. Dusk and dawn are very fast.
Dolphins had a new game for me last night. See if the crew panics when they belly flop close to the bow making a really loud watery sound! Great to have them alongside. Their surprise was foiled as there was phosphorescent plankton showing up their every move!
Had to motor most of the day though with no wind. Back sailing now in light winds and almost a flat sea. Pink spinnaker will be up soon!
2 responses so far ↓
1 Glenys // Nov 21, 2008 at 8:33 pm
– 3 here tonight – and wind so strong we had to crawl on all fours to reach the summit of Ben Lomond yesterday! Isn’t life wonderful?
How do we reach the tropics?!
Love Glenys
2 Liz Dykes // Nov 21, 2008 at 9:31 pm
My life must be very dull.not on the wide open sea with the dolphins or climming on all fours up Ben Lomond, but I do not know where the time is going, enjoying all your news. love Liz.